Coping with Depression During the Holiday Season

During this time of year, radio and TV ads would have us believe we should all feel merry and bright. Sadly, that’s not always the case. According to the National Institute of Health, many people experience depression during the holiday season.

Some of the most common reasons people experience depression during this time of year are:

  • Financial hardship – ‘Tis the season to be jolly, unless your bank account is overdrawn and your credit cards maxed out. Not having a budget to buy loved ones presents, especially our children, can feel devastating.

  • Stress – It’s easy to become overwhelmed from the added stress of shopping, planning and travel. Studies have found this is particularly true for women.

  • Grief and loneliness – Many people feel incredibly lonely during the holidays. Whether it’s from being single, recently divorced, or having just lost a loved one, the holidays are often a reminder of what we don’t have but wish we did.

If you can relate and are looking for some relief, here are ways you can cope with your depression this holiday season:

Process Your Feelings

If you are grieving a loss, it’s important that you’re honest about your feelings.

We might be tempted to stuff our feelings so that we aren't a burden to others. However, when we bury our feelings, we bury them alive. They will come out somehow whether we want them to or not.

Instead of stuffing, process your feelings in a healthy way: keep a daily journal, see a pastor or counselor, talk to a trusted friend, pour our your heart to Jesus. Model your journaling after Psalms written by David, where he begins by pouring out his woes to God, and ends in worship and gratitude.

Give Something Besides Money

If a lack of finances is the primary source of your struggle, look for other ways you can give to others. You can volunteer at a local charity. Are you a good cook? Offer to cook for friends and family. If your talent is writing, write your kids a bedtime story or, if it’s painting, paint a beautiful mural on their wall. At the end of the day, thoughtful gifts from your heart will leave the greatest lasting impression.

Focus on Self Care

It’s important that you care for yourself during the holiday season. Spend quality time with the Lord, remain connected with your church family and other loved ones, eat right, drink plenty of water, exercise, and get rest. While these steps are important for everyone throughout the entire year, they are particularly important for those suffering from depression during the holidays.

Seek Help

Depression is nothing to take lightly. If your depression has lingered, is getting worse, or you’re having suicidal thoughts, it’s imperative that you seek help from a qualified mental health professional. They will be able to help you navigate your overwhelming emotions and offer tools to manage symptoms.

If you’d like to explore treatment options, please reach out to Covenant Counseling Center. You don’t have to suffer alone.