Common Christian Counseling Myths

When considering mental health therapy, many Christians turn to Christian counseling for help. But for every one Christian who seeks help from a Christian counselor, there are many more who shy away from the idea. And I think this is because there are some Christian counseling myths that really seem to turn people off.

The following are some of the most common myths and the truth:

Myth #1: Christian Counselors are Very Judgmental

Nope, not even close. Our job as a Christian counselors is to provide clients with a safe space to work through the pain and trouble in their life. We try our very best to emulate Christ and show clients love and respect. We focus on listening, not judging.

Myth #2: Christian Counselors Just Recite Bible Verses at You

While the scriptures are a very big part of the Christian faith and there are many lessons and stories of hope within those pages, our goal is not to shove anything down anyone’s throat. We will confer with a client on whether or not they are comfortable with the use of prayer, scriptures, or a discussion of God. We want clients to be as comfortable as possible, and we will honor your choices here.

Myth #3: I Don’t Need Counseling – I Can Just Speak with My Pastor

Speaking with your pastor is a great idea. Our leaders can offer spiritual guidance in troubling times. But there are some differences to what we offer as trained counselors.

Counselors have a Master’s degree or higher in the psychology field, whereas most pastors have received theological training. Counselors have also been licensed and are continually learning and staying up-to-date with the latest research and evidence-based protocols. This allows a Christian counselor to treat the entire personhood of their clients.

When it is helpful for our clients at Covenant Counseling Center, we can partner with pastors for your best care.

If you would like to learn more about what Christian counseling offers or would like to schedule a session, please get in touch with us. We are not here to judge. We are here to help.