Can Marriage Counseling Really Help Your Relationship?

Proverbs 11:14 says, "Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety."

According to recent surveys, the divorce rate in the U.S. fell by 18% between 2008 and 2016. While everyone has their theory, the theory among therapists is that it is because marriage counseling actually works, and more couples are giving it a try.

If you and your spouse are experiencing difficulties, here are some reasons you might want to give marriage counseling a try:

Identifying Patterns

One of the biggest benefits of seeking counseling is having help seeing negative behavioral patterns, whether those patterns are yours as individuals and/or as a couple. Healing can only begin once patterns have been recognized.

Impartial Advice

A therapist is not like a friend or family member who is going to take sides and hand out potentially harmful advice. Marriage counselors have a track record of dealing with all sorts of marital issues and want to understand what’s going on so they can offer the best strategies for healing.

A Safe Space

Marriage counseling offers both spouses a safe space to be completely open and honest with their feelings. If not delivered in the right space, complete honesty can have adverse effects. Counseling offers a safe environment in which no one is ever judged. Our counselors feel a calling to pray with you, share principles from God's Word that can provide clarity and insight, and gently guide you to hope and healing.

A Place to Rebuild Trust

Trust is the bedrock of every relationship. But when that trust is broken, it is hard to put the pieces back together. Counseling explores different ways to rebuild trust one step at a time, honoring the pace of each spouse on the healing journey.

Bringing Out Toxic Emotions

Did you know that trapped toxic emotions are one of the main reasons marriages break down? When you have feelings of anger, resentment and frustration locked deep inside you, they fester there and make matters worse. Counseling offers the space and opportunity to let these emotions out in healthy, respectful ways. If you are unsure how to express difficult emotions or talk through painful events, counseling will provide you with tools to do so.


If your relationship is in a difficult place right now, we invite you to reach out to Covenant Counseling Center. Thousands of couples have been helped by marriage counseling, and you could be added to those numbers.